Busy Days and a Recipe

EDIT:  gonna link up with Sandra today for


(You should go over and check out her Slow Cooked Sirloin recipe!)


Busy week, busy days …

and this was supposed to be an easy, short week since we had Monday “off” for Labor Day.  But in reality, we spent Monday at a rainy Silver Dollar City for several hours (thankfully, we were able to see 2 gospel singing shows, and MiMi was able to ride her favorite rides).  We ate a late lunch with Daniel’s parents and were supposed to leave in plenty of time to get home “early”.


Of course, our best laid plans seldom turn out the way I anticipate!!  We picked up a nail in our van’s tire somewhere, and thankfully noticed it before we left Daniel’s parents’ house before embarking on our 95 mile trip home.  That meant running to the Wal-mart tire center on a short-staffed holiday … and when all was said and done, we got home by 9:30 p.m.

MiMi is going to school 3 mornings a week now – Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.  That means up early (for us) and out the door!!  I worked in the school cafeteria again this week, so we also ended up staying at school until 1 or 2 p.m. each day.  That leads to feeling like this by the time we get home:

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Today started with a midnight text from Daniel’s contact for overtime work … if he could get up early, they had work for him!!  So, he slept til 3:30 a.m. and went in to work at 4 a.m. to get 4 hours of overtime in before his work day started!  Thankfully, he is a morning person.  And they asked him to do it again tomorrow (Friday).

Since he will be exhausted when he comes home, and tonight is Annie-Belle’s theater class, and Drew is sick with a cold, I figured something “quick and comforting” was due for dinner.

I seldom share my recipes because I’m not a great or original cook … but I saw this one on Pinterest and decided tonight was perfect to try this:




INGREDIENTS:  put in crock pot in this order –

4-8 potatoes, depending on how many you are feeding, washed, peeled, cut into pieces

1/2 to 1 onion, diced

1-2 packages kielbasa or smoked sausage (I used turkey sausage), cut into pieces

2-4 cans of green beans (I drained mine)

salt & pepper to taste

red pepper flakes, optional

and I poured some chicken broth over the whole thing for some liquid (you could probably just use water)




Cook on low for 6 hours.

I love one pot meals!!







This entry was posted in holiday, recipes, slow cooking. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to Busy Days and a Recipe

  1. Ruth says:

    It sounds yummy. I so wish Mr. D could eat sausage from the store ’cause I love sausages of all kinds. We are thinking of getting a pig next year and if we do… I’m going to make smoked pork sausage and bacon… two things he has not had since he was 6 and I do not have very often unless I’m eating out or someone else has cooked.

    Sounds like the school year has started with a bang for you all. Praying for a great year and congrats on the new house too.

  2. Tanya says:

    Sounds good! I always use turkey smoked sausage, too. ;o)

  3. diarysahm says:

    Love one pot meals, it’s one of the reasons I love using my crockpot 🙂 I can’t wait to try your recipe.

    Glad your hubby is a morning person, goodness that is super early to be up.

    And Miss Mimi is so cute, that school business seems to be tuckering her out. 🙂

  4. Rebecca D says:

    Wow… Transition seasons are always crazy and hard. I too love one pot meals!!

  5. angiemart says:

    I love Silver Dollar City! Some of my fave vacation memories are there.

    Glad you made it safely home!

    I enjoy your recipes! The fake Korean Beef (that was you, right?) is one of our faves!! Plus, my son’s Korean college roommate stayed with us over Christmas vacation and loved it too!

    Your recipe today sounds good-German! Yay! Sounds easy and I need that this coming soccer season. Keep ’em coming. 🙂


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