Mysterious Ways

God blesses us unexpectedly and very uniquely sometimes … in ways we could have never planned for ourselves!

This week God turned a green, bouncy ball into a swimming pool for MiMi.  Sort of.


On Wednesday, I bit the bullet:  my vehicle needed an oil change, and the lube line was empty at the local Wal-Mart, and so I went for it!   During the 20 minute wait for the service, MiMi and I wandered around, got a few things I needed, and picked up a $1.50 bouncy ball from the toy section.  MiMi has always been fascinated with the big net full of colorful balls, and I let her pick out whichever one she wanted.  The green one.  Of course.

As we checked out at the automotive section, a mechanic noticed the bouncy ball and offered to inflate it a little more using the tire pump they have.  He filled that ball up to the max!  On exiting Wal-Mart, MiMi let her ball bounce on the pavement, and it immediately BURST with a loud pop that scared the daylights out of both of us.  I was shocked silent, and MiMi screamed … and then cried.  Her bouncy ball was in shreds on the street.

Apparently, an older gentleman had been watching us and immediately ran over.  He pulled out his wallet, got out a bill, and handing it to me said, “Get that baby a new ball!”  I tried to give the money back … I tried to tell him that they would probably give me a refund when we went back to explain.  But he insisted, “Get that baby a new ball!”

Of course, when I went in and explained what had just happened to the ball and showed the cashier the shredded evidence, she had someone go get MiMi another green bouncy ball.  No receipt, transaction, or money needed.

At that point, I looked at the money the man in the parking lot had given me … and I was holding a $10 bill!!  There really was no way to give it back; he had long ago driven away.  Since the money was for MiMi, I thought about what else I could get for her.

Today we went and got a nice little swimming pool for her.  I had been intending to do this for a while now, and I had decided I was going to spend $10 on a pool for her.  Instead, with the $10 from the kind donor, I got MiMi a $20 pool, which is somewhat, seemingly better quality.


And that is how God turned a bouncy ball into a swimming pool … in a mysterious way.


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7 Responses to Mysterious Ways

  1. Nel says:

    God is so good! And we need to remember to give Him the credit!

  2. Pingback: Happy Homemaker Monday – 6/24/2013 | An Ordinary Hausfrau

  3. Rebekah says:

    God is good!

  4. How sweet! A couple of days ago someone in the drive-thru at McD’s in front of my son paid for his meal. He thanked the Lord for a free lunch since he’s trying to save all he can for college in the fall. Then he went to work (a used bookstore) and a woman was interested in a Christian book entitled, Dinner with a Perfect Stranger. It’s one of my son’s favorite books and has a strong gospel message. He encouraged the lady to get the book, but she hesitated because of money. He said he really wanted her to have it and he bought it for her. He wanted to pass on the kindness and plant a seed. He comes home and says, “Well, I didn’t have to buy my lunch, but I spent my lunch money to share the gospel.” Sounds like good use to me. Anyway, yes, I love His mysterious ways. He takes care of us all – big or small. 🙂

  5. Tanya says:

    BTW, Tim can not walk by those balls without touching them. ;o)

  6. Tanya says:

    Great story!

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